Thursday, May 5, 2011

Again: No chiptune. Title track of "Myst"

Once again, game music that is _not_ chiptune. I am sorry, dear readers, but I promise to post something really oldschool again tomorrow. Anyway, I guess most of you know "Myst". My parents gave it to me when I was young(ish), and boy, did I enjoy that game. The graphic was nice, the story was creepy (for the young(ish) me), and the music once again put you into the right mood for the game.

The most prominent track arguably is the title tune. How often did I listen to it while taking a nap on my few spare days :) You should try it out, it evokes very nice dreams...


  1. Myst was such a great game, and this is just awesome.

  2. Man, that was a great game... Brings back some memories, that tune does.

  3. love the game, love the song! thx

  4. I never played this back in the day, but the music seems oddly familiar.
